The Index
What is the Index?
How was it built?
Frequently asked questions
Open Data
ICPDS 2019
ICPDS 2019
PCSDI 2019
Select country/region
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central Asia and Eastern Europe
South Asia
Eastern Asia
Western Europe, USA and Canada
Middle East and North Africa
Pacific and Oceania
Sub-Saharan Africa
Select indicator
Economic component
Bank assets (% GDP)
Account at a financial institution: difference between men and women (%)
Tax revenue (% GDP)
Variation rate of the Gini Index pre and post taxes and transfers (%)
Financial Secrecy Index
Social component
Survival rate to the last grade of secondary education, both sexes (%)
Pupil-teacher ratio in pre-primary education
Repetition rate in primary education (all grades), both sexes (%)
Healthy life expectancy
Medical doctors (per 10 000 population)
Universal Health Coverage Index
Improved sanitation facilities (% of popul. access)
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)
Unpaid family workers, female (% of female empl.)
Laws against sexual harassment and gender violence
Maternity an paternity leaves
Position at the UN in favour of the LGTBI community
Unemployment rate
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits (%)
Vulnerable employment, total (% of total employment)
Public social protection expenditure (% GDP)
Population retired receiving an old age pension (%)
Internet access in schools
Enrollment ratio of female with respect to male in tertiary education (%)
Percentage of graduates from tertiary education who are female (%)
Environmental component
Clean waters
Use of fertilizers
Ecological Footprint of production (gha per person)
Participation in international environmental agreements
Biocapacity reserves/deficit (ha. per person)
Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)
Ecological Footprint of Imports (gha per person)
Metric tons of carbon dioxide per person
Global component
Abolition of the death penalty
Legality of homosexuality and equal marriage
Ratification of treaties at the UN about HR (%)
Universal Jurisdiction
Ratification of UN Treaties about International Justice
Legislation on abortion
Woman rights in court
Military expenditure (% GDP)
Armed forces personnel, total (per 100,000 inhabitants)
Ease of access to small arms and light weapons
International treaties about weapons
Nuclear and heavy weapons capabilities
Plan of action to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325
Intern. Conventions: Refugees and Migrant Workers
Contributions to UNWOMEN (GDP per capita)
Contributions to UNEP (GDP per capita)
Productive component
Improved sanitation facilities, urban sector (% of population with access)
PM2.5 air pollution, mean annual exposure (micrograms per cubic meter)
Improved water supply, rural sector (% pop. with access)
Access to electricity (% population)
Internet users (per 100 people)
Ratio of Annual freshwater withdrawals for industry
Ratifications of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention