The imperative paradigm shift

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For decades, all of us who work in the field of development policy have conceived and designed our efforts based on the rank order of countries in terms of development.

We were making a huge mistake. For decades we have been misunderstanding and mis-measuring development and that has pushed us into an unsustainable and self-destructive model.

The Coherence Index, a tool based on the policy coherence approach to sustainable development (PCSD), makes this easier to recognize and helps spark ideas to refocus our efforts to achieve development. In this excerpt from the report, you will be able to learn about the devilish correlation in which countries are situated or the ideal place where we would like to be, the empty quadrant.

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The countries that score highest in transitions, such us Canada or Ireland, are exerting greater ecological pressures. This downward curve represents a devilish correlation for all development actors.

Source: own data.

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@ Indico