Previous editions

2019 edition

The 2019 edition evaluates the performance of 148 countries by assessing 19 public policies broken down into 57 variables. These variables are grouped into five components: social, environmental, economic, global, and productive. Of those 57 variables, 19 are detrimental to sustainable development processes (e.g. military spending and ecological footprint), while the other 38 favour such processes (e.g. public spending on social protection and ratification of human rights treaties).

2016 edition

The 2016 edition evaluates the performance of 133 countries by assessing 20 public policies broken down into 49 variables, grouped into five components: social, environmental, economic, global and productive. Of the 49 variables, 18 are detrimental to sustainable development processes (e.g. school drop-out, military spending or ecological footprint), while the other 31 favour such processes (e.g. inequality reduction, public spending on social protection and the ratification of treaties on universal justice).

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